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Last Updated on 13/02/2024 by Admin

2017 is drawing to a climax and what a fast paced year of opportunities and exciting experiences it has been for me as a full time model. Modelling has over the years has become my world and the platform for me to encourage, inspire and be a role model for people all over the world.
With a world that still has prejudices on looks, background, aspirations and individuality it can be hard to stand up for what you believe in and beautiful individuals struggle to express and shine on their own two feet because of this. Most the time it’s a few close-minded people standing in their way to success but once they are given a chance to rise above those few the world can open up to endless possibilities. On my journey as a model, I have met such people and every-time I have been inspired by their success stories.
When I found out about London Alternative Fashion Week (LAFW) I couldn’t help but get excited and shout YES!. As a model who has seen both the beautiful and ugly side of the fashion industry I can truly say the excitement of finding out about this show was immense as this was one I couldn’t miss or not be a part of. I have competed and entered The Alternative Model of the Year competition four years in a row because I believe in their method statement and want for change so couldn’t help but pray this new LAFW held the same heart, resolve and powerful encouragement that this ever changing 21’st century world needed.
The problem we have is breaking out of this 2 dimensional old box of elitism and demand for ultra thin Paris size zero models; this way of thinking for many years has held change back and held back true creativity. “For what artist can create a master piece if they are working with a tiny canvas?”
LAFW offered a refreshing, exciting and open creative show that allowed talented individuals to come together and stand in a positive environment of splendour. Designers brought bold colours, inspiring stories and pure emotion onto the runway with their garments and collections. It was so moving to be able to wear their designs and be told how that collection was born and brought together.
No Bullying, no Limitation when it came to who could get involved and see the show, everyone supported everyone and there was no single token black girl stood alone on the runway as LAFW gave heritages from all across the globe the opportunity to get involved.
It was an amazing show to be a part of and I was so happy and overwhelmed to win the EQUAL – Top online female model of the year 2017 award. Entering any competition can be scary, especially one which involves asking for help and support from friends and family but for me the win spoke volumes and helped reaffirm my belief that it is the company we keep that helps us to grow and achieve our dreams and that together we can bring about change and London Alternative Fashion Week (LAFW) was just that.