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Last Updated on 13/02/2024 by Admin

EQUAL interviews Kamil Lemie.

Angela Mazur Photography

Q1. Hi Kamil it is a pleasure to have you featured in Equal Fashion Magazine and thank you for this interview. Congratulations on landing the role of Merlin the Wizard in Guy Ritchie’s upcoming six part epic “King Arthur: Legend of the Sword”. That is an amazing character to play and a fantastic team to work with. How did you get the role?

A1. It was difficult casting … and a lot of luck. I remember that I had a day off and one of my agents called me and asked if I’m free today, because there is a ” some ” casting for a movie and a director wants to see me and could I be at the place in 20 minutes … so what to do ?? I run over there sweaty and tired from the run 🙂 I was cast for another Warlock from the story …  I throw the spells talking in Arabic ( it sounds more like black magic ) . Also I was a lucky that I had a part of my production from The Witcher movie – where I was a Wizard and Warrior. I think it was convincing to the director … then recall … and 5 months no answer. But after waiting and sending emails to director and casting director … Finally On my Birthday, when we came back from a Surprise travel to Cambridge with my Ex fiancée I get a Phone call from my new acting agent that time that I got the part in the movie as MERLIN THE WIZARD – I was so happy that moment … one of the best birthday gift 😀

Q2. As a young child King Arthur was the first story i ever read that had a wizard in it. I was completely fascinated immediately by this character. In Ireland we have been brought up with many stories of myth and legends, magic and enchantment, reality and fiction. I cannot contain my excitement as i have also always liked Guy Ritchie’s movies a lot. When will we see Merlin make an appearance in the six part epic?

A2. This I can’t tell you it’s a secret, but it will be magical and mystical.

Q3. It is clear you have a passion for acting. What inspired you to become an actor?

A3. Seriously I don’t know exactly. But from time of early Childhood I loved that. Even when i went with family to Churches, Orthodox Church or Synagogue I loved the performance of priests. As a member of the audience in the temple though I was bored and falling asleep very easy – so when I was 5 I have Decided to became a Choir boy in Jesuit Church next to our neighbourhood. Normally you became this when you are 8 years old after Holy Communion, so I became the youngest one. And I got a monk who was preparing me to become a monk too … but that’s another story 🙂

Q4. London is a melting pot of diversity and creativity. Is this why you came to work in London as an actor? Tell us a little about how and why you came to work in London.

A4. I have started from the street of Medieval Edinburgh as Pantomime street artist and Juggler, after day performances working as a glass collector and Nurse assistant in Nursing home for long time -when I was a student of medicine. Then Long time with my circus group – ETERNITY GROUP – FASHION & CIRCUS as actor, model, circus performer, director … then came here to London … starting again from the street and working behind the bar at Clapham Common and Stylist in Paul Smith … and finally Heineken advert and Merlin Part — then more commercials and movies … hundreds of castings.

Q5. Big screen names like Jude Law , Eric Bana & Charlie Hunnam of Sons of Anarchy are in the movie. Charlie plays King Arthur and you are Merlin his mentor i believe. Guy Ritchie has a great way of putting his own spin on things so my curiosity is running wild. Can you give us enthusiasts any clues as to what Merlin will look like and how his character is portrayed. 

A5. Its a secret … lets wait – then the hole mystery will be revealed! Boom Shaqualaqua et Abracadabra! Crazy y Magya!

Q6.You have a fantastic beard which can often make us men look older than what we actually are. Where are you from and what age are you and do you do anything else other than acting?

A6. Thank you for asking 🙂 I’m from magical City of One of the oldest Countries of the world. Its 4,500 years old Kingdom called LEHIA or Poland or in Arabic Lechistan ( Land of  God ). I’m from Boat City ( Łódź ( Woodge ) ). So I’m kind of sailor and gypsy. I’m acting since I was 4, but professionally since 15 years, now I’m 33. I have done many proficiency – NURSE, Surgeon assistant, bartender , tailor , stylist , carpenter , builder , circus performer, Stunt man , teacher of circus , bar owner , Animator of culture , Announcer , presenter , farmer , sales assistant , director, choreographer , fashion model , human torch, fire dancer , fire eater , electrician, light assistant, runner , plumber , grave digger etc. But all of them are great rehearsal for acting. Life is an acting academy.

Q7. I have watched some of your short movies and many adverts on youtube and it’s a very good portfolio of professional work. The leap to being in a huge production with director Guy Ritchie’s King Arthur is an amazing opportunity. How has this experience been for you so far. 

A7. It was amazing experience – in that time it was my first big movie set. Since then I was at Steven Speilberg movie ” READY PLAYER ONE, or on TRANSFORMERS 5 when I met another MERLIN actor – it was very funny story. And now I enjoying of new roles in new movies, also I have started making movies together with great artists like FRENCH TIBETAN actress and top model DAWA MA or amazing actor and camera man Sean Cronin or Swedish actor Daniel Stisen and more… its an amazing adventure where I can meet fantastic people.

Q8. I have noticed on social media that the release date has changed a few times. Can you tell us when the movie will be released in cinemas as i would love to buy my ticket in advance.

A8. Hmmm. Please follow my instagram KAMIL_LEMIE official and there you will get all news 😉 Acting job is learning patience … Sometimes on effect of work by few months, you have to wait few years…

Q9. Who is your top three favourite male actors & top three favourite female actresses?

A9. Sean Connery, Charlie Chaplin, Bruce Lee. Vivien Leigh, Mila Jovovich, Alicja Bachleda

Q10. I read on your facebook page you work at Eternity World Film Productions Limited. Can you tell us a little about that and any other of your own projects you do.

A10. This is my new project where I’m connecting amazing movie and fashion crew artists to create our dreams on screens.

Q11. You are also being promoted at times by a budding Northern Ireland agency called ACE The Alternative Commercial Equal Agency. How did you find out about them and why did you choose to be promoted by them. 

A11. It’s a fabulous collaboration.